Straight A's for LCMS
For the month of February, we will be having a challenge at LCMS. For every math or reading lesson that students complete on iReady, they can earn 10 LiveSchool points. Lessons can be completed at home and school. At the end of the month, the team with the most combined lessons completed will earn a pizza party! Let's #LevelUp Eagles!
Today is NTI Day #5 Eagles! Buckle down and get your work done and then grab those gloves and find a hill to sled on! If you need assistance, please jump on your teacher's google meet time. Anyone with chromebook issues can access assignments on any electronic device by signing in to google. If you do not have interent access, you can still complete the assignments and submit when we get back to school. Teachers will work with students to ensure success!
Good Morning Eagles! It is day 3 of NTI and I know some are probably getting a bit of cabin fever. Please be sure your child is checking in with their teachers to demonstrate participation. If the internet is an issue, students can still work on the posted assignments and submit once they have reliable wifi. Students can also communicate with their teachers by getting on goggle meetings, emailing and/or through google classroom. If you need anything, please call the school or email Mrs. Burnett at -
Have a great day!
Good morning Eagle families! We will follow the same schedule as yesterday. Teachers will be available on zoom at the listed times but can be reached via email until 3:30p.m. All assignments are posted in google classroom. If you need any assistance, please email -
Make it a great day!
English - 9-10a.m.
Math - 10-11a.m.
Lunch/Break - 11-12p.m.
Science and Exceptional Child - 12-1 p.m.
Social Studies and Intervention (RTI)- 1-2p.m.
Encore - 2 - 3p.m.
Good Morning! Below is a break down of the schedule for today. Please be sure your child completes work for each of their teachers. Teachers will be on a google meet at set times in order to assist. All assignments will be posted on google classroom for each class. If you do not have reliable internet, you can still complete the assignments and submit once you are back at school. Another option is to write your responses on paper and submit. If you need any assistance, please email teachers or Mrs. Burnett at
English - 9-10a.m.
Math - 10-11a.m.
Lunch/Break - 11-12p.m.
Science and Exceptional Child - 12-1 p.m.
Social Studies and Intervention (RTI)- 1-2p.m.
Encore - 2 - 3p.m.
Please see the google meets schedule for NTI days. All work will be posted in google classroom. Teachers will be on during the scheduled time in order to explain the assignment and assist in anyway. Students without reliable internet, will still be able to comeplete the assignments and submit them once they are back on-line.
LCMS under the direction of David Holland, had seven students make District 11 Honor Band this year and one student an alternate spot! There were over 430 kids from across our region who audition today, so these kids deserve a BIG congratulations!
Marleigh Allen - Symphonic (top band)
Knox Clark - Symphonic (top band)
Rae Harper - Symphonic (top band)
Emily Snead - Concert
Colson Whited - Concert
Ariel Williams - Concert
Jaxson Dagley - Concert
Storm Douglas - Alternate
LCMS Winter News - Please see attached newsletter! Also note that report cards are going home today with students.
Good luck to our cheerleading team as they compete at the State Cheer Competition in Corbin tomorrow! We are so proud of you! Go #LevelUp!
Congratulations to Lucy Anderson, Kyra Burnett, Dennalyn Bailey and Kate Harris for being chosen for the 2024 KMEA All-State choirs! Hundreds of students from across the state audition and it is a huge honor to be chosen! We are so proud of you all!
The LCMS Holiday Dance will be on Friday, December 8. The cost is $5 and concessions will be on sale at the dance. The dress for that school day is ugly sweater! Let's continue the theme for the dance! Wear your favorite ugly Christmas sweater or holiday attire. The dance will be as follows:
6th Grade - 3:30-5
7th Grade - 5:30-7
8th Grade - 7:30-9
The criteria to be able to attend is:
-No more than 3 unexcused absences during the current grading period.
-No Out of School Suspension days for student discipline incidents during the current grading period.
-No unserved lunch detention or after school detention hours
-No more than 1 failing grades from the previous grading period or current grading period
The 12ish Days of Christmas dress up starts on Friday!
Attention Families: Please be sure your child brings their charged chromebooks to school every day. Many are not coming to class prepared and we do not have sufficient loaners to hand out. We will be iready testing on Wednesday and Thursday this week. It is very important that students try their best so we can accurately measure their growth. This information is used to move students into advanced classes as well as place them in interventions as needed. They will be goal setting tomorrow to prepare for how they are going to #LevelUp!
Kentucky State Assessment (KSA) reports from the end of the year testing were sent home today with midterms. Please be sure to look over this report with your child as well as their midterms, to see how they are doing academically. LCMS utilizes the data from the KSA testing in order to make our plans for improvement. As a school we have been strategic in our scheduling, co-teaching partners, professional development, interventions and programs in order to meet the needs of our students. We are excited about our future and the vision for the middle school and hope you will partner with us as we strive to #LevelUp.
November Winners Part #4
November Winners Part 3!
November Winners Part 2!
November winners part 1!
LCMS Boys Basketball Schedule 2023 - 2024