The Spring Fling Dance is tomorrow. Tickets are $5. Those that received proficient or distinguished on KSA testing last year will get in free but still need a signed permission slip. Times are as follows: 6th grade- 3:30-5 7th grade- 5:30-7 8th grade- 7:30-9 Also Frozen musical field trip forms have been sent home. The FT permission slip form and $2 is also due tomorrow.
11 months ago, Lauren Burnett
8th grade has 95% attendance again today! They earn another pj and hat day. Please make sure they are appropriate.
12 months ago, Lauren Burnett
8th grade has 95% attendance today! PJ and hat day tomorrow!:)
12 months ago, Lauren Burnett
6th grade has 95% attendance today so that means another hat and pj day tomorrow! Way to go! The March attendance challenge wraps up soon and the enrichment class with the best attendance will be able to "Pie the Principals"!
12 months ago, Lauren Burnett
8th grade families, please be sure your child has a signed permission slip in order to attend the college visits tomorrow!
12 months ago, Lauren Burnett
In celebration of World Down Syndrome Day, LCMS will be wearing crazy socks tomorrow! Any student or staff that wears bright, mismatched, colorful socks will earn 5 live school points!
12 months ago, Lauren Burnett
6th grade has over 95% attendance again! Nice job! That means pjs and hats tomorrow!
12 months ago, Lauren Burnett
6th grade had 97% attendance today! That means...... hat and pj day tomorrow for 6th grade only!!
12 months ago, Lauren Burnett
The last iReady and ThinkCerca benchmark tests begin tomorrow. Please be sure Chromebooks are charged and students are ready to try their best! These scores help us determine mastery of content, class placement and any interventions that may be needed. Let's #levelup eagles!
12 months ago, Lauren Burnett
Don't forget! Tonight is the Math and Science GearUp Night! Come check it out!
12 months ago, Lauren Burnett
Lincoln County Middle School was made aware of reports yesterday, March 7th, that a student had made potential threats of violence toward other students. The LCMS school resource officer immediately removed the student from class yesterday and initiated an investigation. As a result of the ongoing investigation, the Stanford Police Department has charged one student in relation to the threatening behavior. Stanford Police Chief Zach Middleton said, “At no time was the campus deemed unsafe for staff and students and school officials acted quickly and notified the guardians of students who may have been impacted yesterday. This situation was an implied threat and it is important for students to realize how damaging their words can be. We prioritize the safety of our schools and community and urge anyone who witnesses or hears about a potential threat to always come forward and report it immediately,” said Chief Zach Middleton of the Stanford Police Department. If a student is not comfortable speaking to a school staff member or an SRO they can report bullying and threatening behavior by accessing the STOP tipline on our school website:
about 1 year ago, Lauren Burnett
CORRECTION! LCMS will be hosting a Spring Fling Dance on Friday, April 12. Dance criteria will apply! Tickets will go on sale for $5 the week of. Students that scored Proficent and/or Distinguished on KSA testing last year, will be rewarded with FREE entry to this dance! We will let those kiddos know. Times are as follows: 6th Grade - 3:30-5:00p.m. 7th Grade - 5:30 - 7:00p.m. 8th Grade - 7:30-9:00p.m.
about 1 year ago, Lauren Burnett
6th Grade students have achieved 95% attendance today (March 5)!! Therefore, 6th grade ONLY will be able to have a pj and hat day tomorrow - Wednesday, March 6! Congrats!
about 1 year ago, Lauren Burnett
We have 95% attendance today! Tomorrow will be a hat 🧢and pj day 🎉!
about 1 year ago, Lauren Burnett
For this Black History celebration quote, we look to the well known creator of the popular TV show, Grey's Anatomy, to see what she said about the importance of hard work- “Dreams are lovely but they are just dreams. Fleeting, ephemeral, pretty. But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change.” —Shonda Rhimes
about 1 year ago, Lauren Burnett
Our next quote comes from Michael Jordan, famous basketball player known to dabble in baseball and acting as well. I love the story of how many doubted his skill in the beginning yet later stood in awe. "I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." —Michael Jordan
about 1 year ago, Lauren Burnett
The third quote in our series celebrating Black History month, is a powerful one that I hope inspires you to never be afraid to know your worth. "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair." — Shirley Chisholm, first Black congresswoman
about 1 year ago, Lauren Burnett
As we celebrate Black History month, we honor famous black Americans that were change makers in office, on stage, behind the pulpit and everywhere in between. "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." — Barack Obama, former U.S. president
about 1 year ago, Lauren Burnett
The LCMS Valentine's Day Dance is this Friday, February 9. Students will receive a permission slip this afternoon if they are eligible to attend per the school policy. Tickets go on sale tomorrow through Friday and are $5. Consessions and candy grams will be available for purchase at the dance as well for those interested. Please note that 6th grade students may stay after school for their dance time but 7th and 8th grade students will need to be brought back to school during their given times. 6th Grade - 3:30-5:00 p.m. 7th Grade - 5:30-7:00 pm 8th Grade - 7:30-9:00 pm
about 1 year ago, Lauren Burnett