LCMS opening day excitement!!!

--Any guardian who has not registered their child for school, please do so. All students must register. You can find those directions on the district web page.
--Any 8th grader from last year who has not returned their chrome book to the middle school, please contact the school.
--If you have not notified LCMS that your child is choosing the Patriot Learning Academy option, or if you have changed your mind about your choice, please contact the school. 606-365-8400 Thank you

Healthy at School guidelines require students to wear a face mask when 6ft social distancing is unobtainable. Our district will be supplying 2 mask per student, with school specific logos on the mask. Here’s a sneak peak at LCMS!

The July SBDM meeting is postponed to July 23 at 5:15 p.m.

The Lincoln County Preschool/Headstart Program is in the process of contacting all returning students to determine the number of available slots for the upcoming year. We are also working through the list of those who have newly applied.
We will begin the screening process in the next couple of weeks. To begin with, we will screen many more students than we actually have slots for. We will keep a healthy waiting list, so that students can move in as soon as a spot becomes available.
The current state guidelines call for reduced group sizes; therefore we will likely have fewer available slots than in previous years. Please be patient as we work through this process. Due to staff retirements, we are working with a limited staff and are training new staff as they come on board.
Thank you for your patience and we look forward to meeting our youngest future patriots!❤️💙

The regular July LCMS SBDM Meeting will be held Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 5:15 p.m. The meeting will be hosted virtually. Please notify Stacy Story if you would like to join: stacy.story@lincoln.kyschools.us

Please vote for 2 parent representatives for the 2020-21 LCMS SBDM Council. Voting will be Tuesday, June 16 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thank you for your participation! The link to the voting form: https://bit.ly/LCMSSBDM

Congratulations to Daniel Foster for being named the new LCMS football coach. He’s planning to meet with potential players (7th/8th graders) this coming Thursday night at 6pm at LCMS. Please contact Coach Foster for more details.
#WeAreEagles 🏈

Voting for the parent nominations for the 2020-21 LCMS Site-Based Decision Making Council will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, June 16 from 8 a.m.-4:00 p.m. The link for the voting form will be released at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Our summer feeding program kicked off last week, distributing around 1400 meals per delivery day. We are back on our M-W-F schedule this week.

The Summer Feeding Program gets underway this coming Wednesday.

We are proud of all of our 8th graders!

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