The August LCMS SBDM meeting is Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 4 p.m. in the LCMS Book Hub.
Thank you @Walmart of Stanford, Ky store 825 for your generosity to make a difference at Lincoln Middle this year. Thank you for your support in our community. We appreciate you!
Lincoln County Middle School 8th Grade Jumpstart is tomorrow night, August 3rd -
6:00 Last names, A-M, report to 6/7 gym;
7:00 Last names, N-Z report to 6/7 gym.
Things to bring: chromebook for the updates and $25 chromebook fee. Online registration must be completed in order to receive schedule.
There will be an online registration workshop Tuesday morning, Aug 3, from 9-11 at LCMS.
7th grade Jumstart is Thursday, Aug 5 and 6th Jumpstart is Monday, Aug 9. #lcmseagles #lcms #lincolncountyschools 🦅
Stanford’s DecoArt took care of our local school district & provided paint for artists in the Arts Academy. They will be partnering this year with the LCMS Youth Service Center providing resources! Thank you for all you do! We appreciate you! #communitypartners #kidsmattermost
Allison Gibson and Megan Ralston hosted an amazing Art Camp at LCMS this summer! Their passion for the arts and love for our kids is so evident. We appreciate them and all the students that participated! #kidsmattermost
If you need any help with online registration, please mark your calendar for August 3rd. We will have staff members at LCMS to support in this process from 9-11 am that day. Just check in at the main office and someone will be there to assist you.
JumpStart Events are coming! We can't wait to see our students!! Aug 3--8th grade. Aug 5--7th grade. Aug 9--6th grade. 6-8 p.m. More info coming soon! 🤗🎉🦅
Leadership Team met today. Great work around these 2 questions about leadership: Who are we? What do we represent? Lots of rock star moments today by a rock star team! We are getting ready for an exciting year! #LCMSRockStar #LCMSOnTheMove
•Online registration is underway for current students for the 2021-22 school year. All returning students must register. For more information, click the link below:
•We are now registering incoming kindergartners for K-Camp 2021. It will be August 11th at each elementary school. Transportation, lunch and a snack will be provided.
Give your kindergarten student a great start to the school year by registering them for K-Camp. Please fill out the Google Form or call 606.365.2124.
Link to register:
LCHS and LCMS students learned about insects, amphibians and reptiles yesterday from Brad Reynolds (The Real Science Program).
He brought Madagascar hissing cockroaches, a tarantula, frogs, and numerous types of snakes with him.
📸: Reynolds holding a boa constrictor.
Congratulations to our new 21-22 LCMS SBDM Parent Representatives: Cindy Bryant and Christina Crosby. We look forward to them coming on board for the new school year.
LCMS Cheer tryouts will be June 7th, 9th, and 10th from 5-7 pm in the McGuffey Gym. Athletes must have an updated physical before tryouts begin.
LCMS Girls Basketball Try-out Information
May 26th: Current 7th and 6th graders will be 3:30-4:30
Current 5th graders will be 4:30-5:30
May 27th: Current 7th and 6th graders will be 3:30-5:00
Current 5th graders will be 5:00-6:30
** If your athlete makes the team, they will start practice Thursday, June 1st from 5:00-6:30
** Immediately after practicing there will be a parent meeting in the gym for parents with the expectations for the program.
Scheduling forms were given to Rising 7/8 graders today to prepare for classes next year. Rising 7th will schedule tomorrow. Rising 8th on Fri. Families can discuss form & access course booklet on students' Social Studies google classroom. We are excited to prepare for next year!
Parents of LCMS 8th graders: LCHS is seeKing nominations for parent representatives for the Site Based Decision Making Council. The deadline is May 10. If you would like to make a nomination, please visit the following link:
Midterms were sent home today with students. These were given to students during their mentor class before coming home. If you have any questions or need anything, please let us know how we can support you. Have a great night!
With our assessment quickly approaching, there are many plans that need to be finalized. In order for this to happen, we must get our students learning environment set. This Friday, April 16 will be the final day for students to change their virtual/in-person choice. If you have any questions please call the school 365-8400. Thank you
Reminder: School pictures will be Monday March 29th at LCMS. Virtual students can set up an appointment for their picture by contacting their mentor. If you have any questions you can call 365-8400. Thank you and have a great day.
Report cards came home with In-Person students today. We are aware there are attendance discrepancies. We apologize that is even on the report. We should have taken off. Please disregard the attendance. Please call the office if you would like to discuss any attendance concerns.
Congratulations to the LCMS March Coveted Eagle Award recipients! Our AC Team is an amazing team, doing amazing things for students each day. We appreciate them!🤗🦅 #LCMSResilient