Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I take my student to class?- No at this time we are not allowing anyone but students and staff in the building unless you have a scheduled meeting with your child’s teacher.
- Can I provide snacks for my student’s class? Yes as long as these are manufactured and individualized snack sizes. Examples: juice boxes, goldfish packs, Little Debbie cakes, fruit chew snacks, individually wrapped cookies
- What time is my child counted tardy?- Your child must be in the building by 8:10. At 8:11 AM they will be counted as tardy
- Will my child have recess?- Yes and when students are outside and 6 feet from others, masks are not required.
- What if my child loses their mask?- A temporary mask will be provided until it can be replaced.
- What temperature is considered sick?- 100.4
- Can I send hand sanitizer with my child?- Yes, but it must be brought to the front office.
- Does everyone in the building have to wear a face mask?-Yes, according to the new recommendation of the governor and our state health officials, students and staff should wear their masks at all times during the school day. Due to the age of preschool students, masks are encouraged but not required.
- Will my child have to eat in the classroom?- At this time no. Your child will receive their lunchbox and be seated six feet apart at the lunch tables.
- Can we switch from PLA to In Person? No. If your child does not attend school in person on September 28th, they will not be able to attend in person until after the semester ends December 18th. However, they may move from In Person to PLA at any time.
- How will I be notified if my child is exposed at school?- If an individual in the facility is identified as a positive case of COVID-19, the local health department will coordinate with school officials to determine who may have been exposed and be in contact as quickly as possible.
- If classmates and teachers are masking how would my child get exposed? - Although masks can significantly lower the risk of spreading the virus, they are not 100% effective and do not replace social distancing. Even when both individuals are wearing a mask, a minimum distance of 6 feet should still be maintained. Your child also may have been exposed by touching a surface or object with the virus on it, then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes.
- What is my child expected to do if they are out due to a fever or COVID like symptoms for multiple days or a week, but they do not have COVID?- They will be expected to make up the work that they missed like any other absence.
- Can I send a water bottle with my child? Yes- but we would prefer that it be one with a screw on, wide mouth opening so that it will not be touching the water refilling station.
- Will my child participate in group work or small group instruction?- Yes for limited amounts of time, and if Healthy guidelines are followed.