Students will be dismissed at 2 pm on May 28th. This is the last day of school for students and graduation day at Lincoln County High School.

The CDC released new COVID-19 guidelines late this afternoon. We have not received official guidance from the Governor or KDE yet, in terms of how this will impact our day to day operations.
We will communicate any news or information, regarding the updated guidance, as soon as possible.

This week is National Police Week. Lincoln County Schools greatly appreciates its partnership with the Stanford Police Department in providing three School Resource Officers (SROs) for our school system. Their daily presence helps keep our schools and communities across the district safer for students and their families.

The Lincoln County Board of Education Working Meeting will be held tomorrow night at 5:30 pm. You may view the meeting here:
LINK- https://youtu.be/D2cVE6HEM6s

The LCHS greenhouse will be open to the public from 10-2 pm today.

Attention LCHS students and families:

Prom is only two days away. We will be dropping some staff prom pictures these next couple of days. We’ll start off with this couple who went to prom together and are still married today!

Students in Mrs. Annie Hoskins K-5 art classes recently collaborated on a canvas-collage wall mural featuring a handprint from every in-person student. The canvases were donated to the school by DecoArt (local business).
Mrs. Hoskins had been working on school-wide art projects with students and noticed the need to showcase student artwork, as well as promote positive messages, all while beautifying the building.
"The students enjoyed getting a little messy, seeing what was added to the project over time, and it just sends a positive message," said Mrs. Hoskins. "They all worked so hard. I think their favorite part was using a water gun to squirt blue paint for the background, and of course, dipping their hands in paint; who doesn't love that?"
The mural is on display as you enter the intermediate wing, across from the library, at Crab Orchard Elementary.

The Kentucky Broadband Initiative is a network of public and private partners working to expand internet access and build a stronger digital infrastructure in urban and rural communities across the commonwealth.
The more tests that are taken the better the understanding these partners will have to assess the needs. Please click the link below to take the speed test and help bring access to adequate internet to all Kentuckians.
Link: https://educationcabinet.ky.gov/Initiatives/Pages/KBI.aspx

Tonight is Lincoln County High School Honors Night. The event will be held in the gymnasium at 6pm. COVID-19 CDC guidelines are expected to be followed while in attendance.

Hustonville Elementary students were recently recognized for their work on the 2019 and 2020 Jim Claypool Conservation Poster contest.
For 2019, the winners in the school were first place Brooklyn Watson, second place Ethan Schuler, and third place Clareese Dunn. Brooklyn also placed second in the county for 2019.
For 2020, the school winners were first place Macy New, second place Carter Whobrey, and third place Sadie Preston. In addition to this, Macy was a first-place county winner and an area winner.
Pic 1- 2019 winners from left to right:
Brooklyn Watson, Ethan Schuler, and Clareese Dunn
Pic 2- 2020 winners from left to right:
Macy New, Carter Whobrey, and Sadie Preston

LCHS is currently accepting nominations for two parent representatives to serve one year (July 1, 2021- June 30, 2022) on the School Based Decision Making Council (SBDM) at our school. If interested, please click the link below:
Link- https://bit.ly/2S3dUpK

The LCHS greenhouse will be open to the public again May 6th and 7th from 3:30 pm to 6 pm.

Happy Derby Day from Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Grigson’s classes! 🐎 🌹

May 1st is National School Principal’s Day. We are fortunate to have great leaders at all of our schools across the district!
Thank you all for all you do!

The LCHS Yearbook staff has space available for business ads from the community and ads for grads that parents can submit for their students in the 2021 yearbook. These ads as well as the yearbook can be ordered online at ybpay.lifetouch.com using code 14277121.
The ads can be designed online then submitted on the website listed above or the design can submitted to the yearbook staff by emailing chelsea.shoemaker@lincoln.kyschools.us by May 21st.
Yearbook price: $50
Prices for Ads
Full color page: $50
Half color page: $25
Quarter color page: $18

The LCHS science department received new research grade digital microscopes from GEAR Up.
Students will use the microscopes in upcoming Ecology units. They will use them to investigate the diversity of the watershed near the school.

April is School Library Month. The library is the heart and soul of a school. It’s a place where big ideas are formed and where students can safely learn and grow. Lincoln County Schools greatly appreciates our librarians that help promote these things each day.

It’s Friday y’all!
If you’re as happy as Kaiser, drop an emoji below to celebrate with him!
👏🏻 😃 😎 👍🏻🙌👐🏿

Mrs. Bandura’s 4th grade students recently did some work (picked up trash, weeded flower beds, etc.) outdoors around Stanford Elementary for Earth Day. 🌎 🌱 🌳