Lincoln County Board of Education

*Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday 

305 Danville Avenue
Stanford, Kentucky 40484
Main Office: 606-365-2124

District Contacts:

*Click on the name to email.

Superintendent's Office:
Bruce Smith (Superintendent) 606-365-2124
Colleen Benson (Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent & Board Secretary) 606-365-2124
Vickie Rice (Receptionist/Data Entry) 606-365-2124

Assistant Superintendent:
Diana Hart  606-365-2124

Director of Curriculum and Instruction:
Chad Davis 606-365-2124

Director of Operations (Facilities/Maintenance/Public Relations):
Brad Smith (Director) 606-365-2124

Director of Technology/Data Specialist:
Tracy Griffin (Director) 606-365-5764

District Athletics:
Brad Petrey (Athletic Director) 606-365-9111
Brad Smith (Assistant Athletic Director) 606-365-2124

Director of Pupil Personnel:
Anthony Beeler (Director) 606-365-5776

Early Childhood Services:
Kim Carrier (Early Childhood Program Coordinator)
Melissa Linkes (Bookkeeper)
Kristen Zahn (Administrative Assistant)

Tish Burns (Instructor) 606-365-1446

Exceptional Child Services & 504:
Julie Ball (Director) 606-365-365-5770
Chasity Muse (District EC Secretary) 606-365-1119

Lee Ann Smith (Director) 606-365-5761
Marla Cook (Classified Payroll Clerk) 606-365-5766
Melinda Jones (Accounts Payable & Purchasing) 606-365-5772
Morgan Dishon (Certified Payroll Clerk) 606-365-5774

Food Service:
Cathy Hettmansberger (Coordinator) 606-365-5778

Instructional Technology & Support:
Cathy Adams 606-365-5762

Betty England (Coordinator) 606-365-5793

Personnel & Human Resources:
Jeannie Cooper (Director) 606-365-5785

Social Emotional Behavioral Services:

Shakelia Miller (SEB Program Specialist)
April Vickers (SEB Program Specialist)

Student Support Services:
Judy Russell (Attendance Data IC Specialist) 606-365-5781

Tracy Griffin 606-365-5788
Bobby Smith (Lead Network Technician)
James Hacker (Network Technician)
Keith Phillips (Computer Technician)

Transportation & Safety:
Jeff Craiger (Director) 606-365-9144
Larry Carrier (Transportation Coordinator) 606-365-9143

To view a specific school staff directory, please visit the school page and select Menu -- Staff.